субота, 22. октобар 2011.

Quilted Fabric Basket Swap

Posle dužeg vremena, dobila sam torbu kao učesnik ovog Swap-a. Ne znam koji su problemi nastali, ali kada sam obavestila Michele da ni posle nekoliko meseci nisam dobila torbu, ona mi je javila da će mi naći novog partnera i da budem strpljiva.
After a long time, I got a bag as a participant in this swap. I do not know which problems arise, but when I told Michele that even after several months I didn't got a bag, she told me that she would find a new partner for me and to be patient.

Strpljenje se isplatilo, dobila sam prelepu veselu torbu, punu boja.
Patience paid off, I got a beautiful cheerful bag, full of colors.

Pored prelepe torbe, dobila sam i McKenna Ryan materijal i uputstvo za izradu pačvorka sa petlom! 
In addition to beautiful bags, and got Ryan McKenna fabric and tutorial for making a patchwork rooster!

Želim da se zahvalim Michele i Jennifer što su se potrudile da dobijem prelepu torbu. Puno sam se obradovala tutorijalu sa petlom. U Srbiji nema takvih gotovih tutorijala, pa je ovo moj prvi !

I want to thank Michele and Jennifer as their best to get a beautiful bag.  I rejoiced the tutorial with the rooster. In Serbia there are no such ready-made tutorials, so this is my first!

Hvala puno, Michele i Jennifer!
Thank you very much, Michele and Jennifer!

субота, 8. октобар 2011.

Nova sedalica/ New quilt for seat

Nova sedalica je rezultat gomile komadića tkanine koje sam želela nekako da iskoristim. Sastavljala sam male komade, dok nisam napravila četiri veća kvadrata različitih dimenzija, nekako ih uklopila i napravila gornju stranu:
New quilt for a seat is a result of piles of rags that I somehow wanted to take. I was composing small pieces, until I made four large squares of different sizes, and somehow made them fit on top side:
Druga strana je šarena tkanina iz jednog komada. Olovkom sam iscrtala konture psa na četiri mesta (pomoću šablona od papira) i štepala po tragu olovke:
The other side is a colorful fabric in one piece. Using a pencil, I sketched out the contours of the four dogs (using a template from paper) and sewed on the trail of the pen:
Imam još dve stolice u sobi koje nemaju sedalice :)
Pozdrav i do skorog pisanja.

I have two more chairs in the room without quilts:)
Greetings and see you.