Ušli smo u novu 2012. Želim nam svima veselu i zadravu godinu sa puno zadovoljstva uz ručne radove.
We entered the new 2012th. I wish us all a cheerful and healthy year with a lot of fun with crafts.
Mojoj dragoj drugarici Goci je danas rođendan i meni je 2012. godina počela izradom njenog rođendanskog poklona. Ona zna samo da će to biti nešto sa crvenom i žutom, ali ne i šta.
My dear friend Goca is birthday today and I started 2012 year making her birthday gift. She knows only that it would be something with red and yellow, but not what.
Prekrivač je veličine lap quilt-a (130x90 cm) It is a lap quilt (130x90 cm)
Mnogo mi se dopada tirkizni materijal i oduševila me kombinacija sa vatrenom narandžastom.
I like turquoise fabric and delighted me the combination with fiery orange.
Sutra ću vam pričati o mom rug prekrivaču. Napravljen je kao rug prekrivač, ali će biti malo drugačiji.
Tomorrow I will tell you about my rug quilt. It is designed as a rug quilt, but will be slightly different.
We entered the new 2012th. I wish us all a cheerful and healthy year with a lot of fun with crafts.
Godina mi je počela veselo i radno uz šivaču mašina, pa se nadam da ću ove godine uspeti dobro da se organizujem i nađem dovoljno vremena za uživanje u šivenju.
I hope that this year I will be able to organize well and I find enough time to enjoy sewing.
My dear friend Goca is birthday today and I started 2012 year making her birthday gift. She knows only that it would be something with red and yellow, but not what.
Mnogo mi se dopada tirkizni materijal i oduševila me kombinacija sa vatrenom narandžastom.
I like turquoise fabric and delighted me the combination with fiery orange.
Nadam se da će joj se dopasti. I hope she will like it.
U decembru prošle godine sam napravila i male nadstoljnjake za moju drugaricu Bilju. In December last year I made a small tablecloths for my friend Bilja.
Sutra ću vam pričati o mom rug prekrivaču. Napravljen je kao rug prekrivač, ali će biti malo drugačiji.
Tomorrow I will tell you about my rug quilt. It is designed as a rug quilt, but will be slightly different.
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